Fun Read, Sweet and Clean, on a World of Robots – Crazy Foolish Robots by Adeena Mignogna

Kate says… Here’s a light story you could share with kids. Amazingly advanced robots with weird gaps and glitches in their technology. A disgruntled human teenage pilot can help them, and then maybe they’ll allow her to go home.

I found myself easily drawn into Ruby Palmer’s dilemma. Thanks to a dreadful experience in her past, she can’t trust artificial intelligence, even though she lives on a space station. The book combines factors I’ve used in my own science fiction stories: advanced technologies are necessary for people to live in space, low tech may be the best choice when possible, and what we don’t know is more important than we realize.

Ruby is kidnapped by a robot advanced enough to pilot a faster-than-light ship but with technical problems humans solved long ago. It takes her to an entire planet of robots searching the galaxy for an answer to a decline that threatens to destroy them.

A delightful summer read with an unexpected story line, likeable characters both human and artificial, and a few questions about how this strange world came to be that will, I suspect, reappear in the rest of the series.

You can check out more from the author here:

Find Crazy Foolish Robots on Amazon at

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