Enjoy the puzzle of a scifi story? Al Clark by Jonathan G. Meyer is for you #scifibooks

Kate says… A man wakes on a colony sleeper ship, and something has gone terribly wrong. He doesn’t remember who he is, and sets about figuring out the ship, his fellow colonists, and the planet they land on. If the puzzle sounds intriguing, here’s the story for you.

A lot of science fiction, and other types of fiction too, are all about frantic action and constant battles. A lot of advice we writers receive tell us you-all readers want that. I sometimes wonder if we writers are getting squeezed into a smaller and smaller box every day.

If you’d like to follow a character as he puzzles out who he is, why he’s here, and how to keep people in his colony and on an alien world safe, Meyer has written the book you’re looking for. It reminds me of the wonderful and wonder-filled books of early science fiction. Oh, you’ll get some action – that T-rex appears inside the story as well as on the cover, and he ain’t Barney the Purple Dinosaur! There’s also a surprise waiting for the hero that I didn’t see coming. The combination makes for a satisfying read.

Find the Al Clark series on Amazon at https://amzn.to/41KgPmR

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Tags: Colonization Science Fiction eBook, First Contact

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