Full on epic fantasy -The Shaman’s Sword Series by Robert Ryan

E J says…

The main character knows who she is and what her potential is. In Book 1 of this series, she is forced to leave her home behind. Now is the time to step up to her destiny. Joining the throngs of people searching for the magical twin swords, she meets two friends and has a series of life and death fights.

Interestingly enough, although she is female, she can outfight males. Sure she trained all her life, but really? However, never mind that sort of question. This is a rollicking good epic fantasy about a young woman who is ready to step up and save her people from the predations of the Shamans and their evil rule. A basic good against evil story.

I am a little confused as to why shamans are the bad guys. I’m used to thinking about shamans as healers and people who foresee the future. My genetic heritage includes a shamanistic people, who still practice it along with christianity. So…

But I can put that aside for a good story with a lot of action, good tension, and nice pacing. You won’t find any romance or sex, but be prepared for lots of fights from individuals to large groups. And you get the satisfaction of seeing good win out over unmitigated evil with a noble heroine who wants only what is best for her nation.

Tags: book review, book recommendation, shaman, sword fights, magic,

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