From Tragic Hero to Action Hero – Caretaker by Josi Russell

Kate says... Tragedy opens the story. Thousands are placed into stasis as a colony ship begins its journey, but the Caretaker who will watch over operations during the decades-long journey dies suddenly, and the ship's AI decides the last person awake, Ethan, must take his place. He's not trained for this, and worse - he'll …

Life or Death on an Alien World -Spiders & Spice: a tense space opera with a spunky diplomat, a fashionable AI, and a buccaneering spaceship crew by E J Randolph

Scifi Book Cover Spiders & Spice by EJ Randolph

E J says: If Kate thinks fast and breaks a few rules, she might live. A rogue military will crush a peaceful alien planet. Can Federation diplomat Kate Stevens prevent the war? She speeds across the galaxy to forge a defense alliance. But it's impossible. The aliens forbid discussion of violence. They're doomed. So is …

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