From Tragic Hero to Action Hero – Caretaker by Josi Russell

Kate says... Tragedy opens the story. Thousands are placed into stasis as a colony ship begins its journey, but the Caretaker who will watch over operations during the decades-long journey dies suddenly, and the ship's AI decides the last person awake, Ethan, must take his place. He's not trained for this, and worse - he'll …

First settlers on Mars, with all the Wrong Stuff – Old Man in a Spacesuit by Mjke Wood

Kate says... This is a terrific version of the "first settlers on Mars" story. An agency plagued with inadequate funding plans a one-way mission to Mars. Who would you send? How about aged folk with no family to complain when they don't return? They were never professional astronauts, but with training and determination, will hopefully …

Is He Saving His Sister or Condemning Humanity? The Signal by Joshua T. Calvert & Phillip Calvert

Kate says... The human brain is more complex than the galaxy, and as little explored, but that's where this scifi thriller begins. Actually, the book opens with two stories. On the border of Finland and Russia, a man is discovered with a unique implant through his skull into his brain. He can't tell the doctor …

Thoughtful Scifi Story of Futility, Reconciliation, and the Meaning of Life – Finding Life on Mars by Jason Dias

Kate says... The main character, Jaye, entranced me. Born on Mars, her thoughts and feelings seemed so alien. She even calls those who came from Earth human, but not herself. Then I saw she and other Trueborns of Mars are considered to be autistic. Maybe she represents someone I might meet in real life, maybe …

Would This Be You on Mars? Colony by Paul R. E. Jarvis

Kate says... What is the greater risk to settlers on Mars? The hostile planet itself, or each other? A small advance team sets up habitats before the main colony arrives, but despite their technologies and preparations, they aren't ready for the dangers awaiting them. Even when set on the same planet, authors make the Red …

Weirdest Alien Invasion Ever – Junkyard Pirate by Jamie McFarlane

Kate says... A sad, lonely old codger gets another chance at life and love, thanks to an alien invasion. This is a fun-filled story. Who knew a space parasite would try to save humanity by bonding with the old coot, or that she'd project herself into his mind in various cutie costumes. But humanity's future …

Hooligan Diplomat on a Wild West World – Lone Star Planet by H Beam Piper

Novella cover A PLanet for Texans

Kate says... A hooligan diplomat sent as ambassador to a planet where the locals want him killed, and so does his own government. His predecessor was violently murdered, so things don't look good in this old-style, pulp-era interplanetary adventure that pokes fun at the trope of Texans. Since I posted a link to a compilation …

2001 on steroids -War Eternal Series by M. R. Forbes

EJ says... This is a huge argument against developing AI beyond the rudimentary. The main enemy is an AI who is nearly unbeatable. So hard to beat, it takes seven books to do the job. Millions, no billions of people die. Planets are destroyed. Really, shouldn't humans pay attention and get the point? The hero …

What’s a Blackballed Archeologist Doing on Mars? Music of Mars by George G. Moore

scifi book cover The Music of Mars

Kate says... Who will control Mars? Always a corporation, but dedicated to what, exactly, and who? Two stories run in parallel here, involving the same characters. One is a tale of corporate battles and industrial spying that threatens to turn deadly. The other is a strange discovery that may become humanity's future on Mars. Finally, …

If Humanity Was on the Moon in 1800s, So Was Mark Twain, Mark Twain on the Moon by Michael Schulkins

Scifi Fantasy Book Cover Mark Twain on the Moon

Kate says... What if humanity got to the moon in the 19th century? Then Mark Twain would surely have joined the adventure. Schulkins has Twain's voice and cadence down beautifully, so if you enjoy Twain's earthly travelogues, here's the next book for you. I laughed out loud in places, and that's unusual for me. Every …

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