There’s life in Europa’s ocean, and sabotage on missions to the moon – Europa Deep by Gary Gibson

Kate says... Genetically modified humans were made for space but are threatened on Earth, so of course Cassie is willing to join a crew headed to Europa. This, however, is no NASA-style mission. Why are two security officers on a scientific mission, and why does the commander have to be someone who hates Cassie? Loads …

Science Fiction Puzzle – The View From Here by Leon Stevens

Kate says... Two outdoorsy jocks find a portal to an alien world. Seems to be artificially constructed. Uninhabited - not even animals or insects. They decide to go exploring and must tackle quite a few problems. Will they find their way back home? Science fiction is a big place. Not every story needs to save …

The Three Body Problem – English translation of China’s most beloved science fiction author, Cixin Liu

Kate says... I don't usually start with other reviews, but these drew me to Cixin Liu's book: Soon to be a Netflix Original Series!“War of the Worlds for the 21st century.” – Wall Street Journal Winner of the Hugo Award for Best NovelAn NPR Best Book of the Decade. Best book of the decade! That's …

From Tragic Hero to Action Hero – Caretaker by Josi Russell

Kate says... Tragedy opens the story. Thousands are placed into stasis as a colony ship begins its journey, but the Caretaker who will watch over operations during the decades-long journey dies suddenly, and the ship's AI decides the last person awake, Ethan, must take his place. He's not trained for this, and worse - he'll …

Good Aliens, Bad Aliens, Ancient Aliens – The Fifth Kind Arrival by James D. Prescott

Kate says... This story has lots of aliens, plus a centuries-old mystery that sends the characters on a deadly scavenger hunt across the world. Regrets over unresolved family issues tug at the main characters, but they have humanity to save. There's weird alien technology at the heart of the story, scientists struggling to understand, and …

Enjoy the puzzle of a scifi story? Al Clark by Jonathan G. Meyer is for you #scifibooks

Kate says... A man wakes on a colony sleeper ship, and something has gone terribly wrong. He doesn't remember who he is, and sets about figuring out the ship, his fellow colonists, and the planet they land on. If the puzzle sounds intriguing, here's the story for you. A lot of science fiction, and other …

New Aliens and Worlds in a Sci Fi Adventure -New Book Release -Oceana by E J Randolph

E J says... A cargo space pilot must be ready for anything. But a formidable alien warrior on the run asking for sanctuary? She should draw the line somewhere, even if he maintains the engines and guards her aging spaceship in port. Through a series of misadventures, she ends up on the planet Oceana, plunged …

Fun Read, Sweet and Clean, on a World of Robots – Crazy Foolish Robots by Adeena Mignogna

Kate says... Here's a light story you could share with kids. Amazingly advanced robots with weird gaps and glitches in their technology. A disgruntled human teenage pilot can help them, and then maybe they'll allow her to go home. I found myself easily drawn into Ruby Palmer's dilemma. Thanks to a dreadful experience in her …

Travel thru the Multiverse, and This Book Sets You Up – Migration by Justin Alexander Alt

Kate says... A scifi story usually gives you one big idea beyond today's technology. This book gives you two. Human consciousness - the complete person - can be transferred to the cloud (that amorphous concept so many authors love,) and a dimensional "ship" built into a cargo container can travel to alternate Earths in alternate …

Even First Contact Can’t Interrupt Earth’s In-Fighting – The Crying of Ross 123 by David Allan Hamilton

scifi book cover Ross 123

Kate says... You'd think first contact with intelligent alien life would grab everyone's attention. It sure does grab the hero, Jim Atteberry. But his discovery draws him into on-going conflicts that split America into at least three countries years ago, and keeps them locked in a Cold War. His best friend is a scarred survivor …

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