Space Navy and the Ultimate Challenge – The Alpha Protocol by Duncan M. Hamilton

scifi book cover Alpha Protocol

Kate says... Everything a military scifi fan could want: Navy discipline, space technology, battles, and this universe's physics. Would your priority for First Contact be politics and career advancement? Well, we're only human. Naval Officer Jack Samson is sent in disgrace to a remote patrol ship on the frontier of known space. When a routine …

Touch of Alternative History, Conspiracy You May Recognize From the Internet & Into Space in This Thrilling Story – Skywave by K. Patrick Donoghue

Scifi Cook Cover - Skywave

Kate says... Billionaire with his own space company, traumatized ex-astronaut, UFO kook with a talent for data analysis, & government cover-up worthy of a conspiracy theory. If that doesn't sound like hard scifi, fear not: also technology in this thrilling space adventure. The characters are quickly sketched and entirely believable. With a twist on recent …

Want a Peek Into an Author’s Brain?

Funny cartoon brain escaping head

Kate says... Recently I recommended The Centauri Survivors, a science fiction story of colonization, first contact, and villainy. Want to find out how the story started? For free, you can read the original first chapter, which tells the story of how the Survivors got started . Okay, I suppose the very, very original first chapter …

It’s a Good Thing You Can Buy Americium at Walmart! An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

Scifi Book Cover An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

Kate says... Your new friend, April May, tells you a remarkable story. On a New York City street in the early morning hours, she and another friend, Andy, find a strange robot/statue they assume to be a piece of art. She names it Carl and they make a video about it that goes viral. That's …

New World Goes From Grand Adventure to Massacre – The Centauri Survivors by Andrew J. Chamberlain

Science Fiction Book Cover - Centauri Survivor

Kate says... If you're a fan of gutsy heroes, you'll devour this book. It's easy to imagine yourself in the story and you won't want to put it down. Go ahead and read for hours. Exciting chase on an alien planet and more. Part of the story's depth lies with fathers, both present and absent. …

Not “If This Can Happen” But “When Will This Happen?” Suspense Builds in The Enceladus Mission by Brandon Q. Morris

scifi book cover The Enceladus Mission

Kate says... If you like the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, this is the book for you. The mission - to search for life beneath the thick ice of a deadly moon - is breathtaking, but the story begins with training and equipment tests on Earth, and then a long claustrophobic journey as six astronauts …

Alien World Challenges Expectations, and that butterfly will keep you guessing – Suppose We by Geoff Nelder

Kate says... Will humans travel to strange, yet habitable planets? Will aliens they encounter fit the mold of humans with funny-looking foreheads that's popular in so much scifi? Yes! to the first question. No! to the second. Here's a story to prove it, a long novella. Four astronauts scouting a planet for possible colonization encounter …

Science Fiction Short Video, Delightful Origin of a Natural Marvel by Create Sci-FI

Here's a wonderful, imaginative 12-minute video; science fiction that explains a real-world marvel. Just So Stories provide imaginative explanations for puzzling aspects of the natural world. While the phrase is sometimes used mockingly to criticize speculation in science, I'll go back to the original story-telling meaning and say, this short is a wonderful Just …

Terrific First Contact with Alien That Really Is Alien, on an Alien World, Upsetting Smugglers’ Plans – Trilisk Ruins by Michael McCloskey

Science Ficiton Book Cover Trilisk Ruins

Kate says... A mercenary and a xenoarchaeologist are out to steal artifacts from the ruins of a lost civilization from under the nose of their own government. But the extinct race's technology still functions, trapping them in a weird world where they encounter a non-humanoid alien. I love the alien and the believable communications problem …

Absolutely Best Science Fiction Book I’ve Read in Ages – has Aliens – Surprising Catastrophe – Terrific Ending – Tomorrow’s Kin by Nancy Kress

Scifi book cover Tomorrow's Kin

Kate says... I'm an incorrigible skimmer, but I read every word of Tomorrow's Kin by Nancy Kess. The story begins with aliens who have a surprising link to Earth. They've already landed when middle-aged geneticist Marianne Jenner is summoned. She joins a team of earthly scientists working with the aliens to defeat a lethal danger …

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