Fun Goofy Summer Read – Adventures of Kirk Rogers Inside the Moon by C. J. Boyle

Kate says... This story is set on a world inside Earth's moon, which isn't really a moon. It's an alien spacecraft. But don't spend effort figuring out timelines vs history. This book is for fun. The author borrows ideas from popular sci-fi, and she does so joyfully. You can tell by some of the characters' …

There’s life in Europa’s ocean, and sabotage on missions to the moon – Europa Deep by Gary Gibson

Kate says... Genetically modified humans were made for space but are threatened on Earth, so of course Cassie is willing to join a crew headed to Europa. This, however, is no NASA-style mission. Why are two security officers on a scientific mission, and why does the commander have to be someone who hates Cassie? Loads …

Strange Sci-Fi Movie -Everything Everywhere All At Once

E J says... This movie illustrates a scientific theory - that of multiple worlds or parallel universes. It does so in a very humorous way. This project is done with no special effects but uses scene changes to go from one universe to the other. It's really rather clever. But some things, well, are strange. …

An interstellar journey – an unexpected indigenous culture – will first contact end in tragedy? Chronicle of an Alien World by Kate Rauner

Kate says... I've been working away for months, and now... yee ha! My new release is out in time for the holidays. Interstellar journey to a new world. An unexpected indigenous culture. Two reluctant leaders desperate to save their people. Trey Jackson is burdened with guilt over his lover’s death four decades ago. The old …

From Tragic Hero to Action Hero – Caretaker by Josi Russell

Kate says... Tragedy opens the story. Thousands are placed into stasis as a colony ship begins its journey, but the Caretaker who will watch over operations during the decades-long journey dies suddenly, and the ship's AI decides the last person awake, Ethan, must take his place. He's not trained for this, and worse - he'll …

Are 4,000 Second Chances Enough? Short Story by James S. A. Corey

Kate says... Suppose we could beam people across space? How about an entire colony? All while leaving the originals behind. Then ask each copy of the colony to resend the original package to as many suitable worlds as possible... and so on, until humans occupy the entire galaxy? That's the fascinating premise of this short …

First settlers on Mars, with all the Wrong Stuff – Old Man in a Spacesuit by Mjke Wood

Kate says... This is a terrific version of the "first settlers on Mars" story. An agency plagued with inadequate funding plans a one-way mission to Mars. Who would you send? How about aged folk with no family to complain when they don't return? They were never professional astronauts, but with training and determination, will hopefully …

Cop in Space -Ghosts of Zenith: Lost Planet Homicide by Larry Correia

E J says... I listened to this as an Audible Plus short story. It's good. The setting is the worst area on a dreary planet that was never meant to be colonized. The main character is a hard-boiled cop, and once he sets his mind to digging at a mystery, he keeps at it. While …

Pirates are more dangerous than you can imagine in this space adventure – Quite Possibly Alien by Patrick O’Sullivan

Kate says... A new graduate to the merchant fleet wants to travel beyond home, and he certainly gets his wish. Along with his huge, terrifying cat, he's assigned to a merchant ship that's surely crewed by pirates. The first half of this story focuses on Ciarán developing relationships, good and bad, with his new crewmates, …

Fun, fun, fun science fiction. -Severed Ties: Backyard Starship Book 10 by J.N. Chaney and Terry Maggert

E J says… I wrote about the first book in the, Backyard Starship series some time ago. I have read every subsequent volume that has come out. Yes, they are that good. They started out good, but the writing keeps improving, the plots have become far more substantial, and best of all, the banter remains …

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