Magical Curse Breaker -Garden of the Cursed by Katy Rose Pool

E J says…

This is an interesting world where spells are written on paper and bought and sold. Marlow Briggs loses her place in the elite when her mother disappears. But she received a good magical education because her mother’s employer wanted it that way. She joins the mass of the underclass, tangling with nasty mobsters and shifty clients.

She learns she is good at curse breaking. While dealing with a client at a prestigious theater, she runs into her handsome playboy ex. The one that dumped her when everyone else did. Turns out he needs a curse broken.

Ah, the story seems relatively straightforward – until it doesn’t. Complications and revelations muddy the waters in unforeseen ways.

I am eager for book 2.

Tags: Book review, Book recommendation, fantasy, magic, curse breaking, runes

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